Home-made Pan Release recipe
Home-made Pan Release recipe Tired of having your baked goods stick to your pans? Are you frustrated with cakes, panned breads and cinnamon rolls ruined because they rip out, leaving half of it glued...
View ArticlePâte Fermentée
Pâte Fermentée Pâte Fermentée is one of the basic pre-ferments used in bread making and it refers to a dough that is made before the bulk of the main bread dough is put together and allowed to mature...
View ArticleSticky vs Tacky dough
Sticky vs Tacky dough For those who wonder how you can tell the difference between those two states of your dough, here’s a simple explanation with visuals that should clarify the differences. STICKY:...
View ArticleWhy Discard Starter: A Mathematical View.
Why Discard Starter: A Mathematical View. You see this question pop up all the time in sourdough discussions: “Why do I have to discard? I hate the idea of throwing anything away. Can’t I just keep...
View ArticleHow big is a cup? Flour volume vs flour weight
How big is a cup? Flour volume vs flour weight How much does a cup of flour weigh? Here’s a question that seems to pop up on a fairly regular basis in the bread forums. Someone sees a recipe that...
View ArticleDry Your Starter: Simple Insurance
Dry Your Starter: Simple Insurance There you are, going along making another batch of tasty sourdough bread, everything’s going peachy, the dough is in the oven baking, making the kitchen smell...
View ArticleReviving Dried Sourdough Starter
Reviving Dried Sourdough Starter In a continuation of the “How To” on drying an active starter previously posted here, we’ll look at the steps to revive that starter. A few people have asked how this...
View ArticleLiquid vs Stiff Starter: Do I need both?
Liquid vs Stiff Starter: Do I need both? Which type of starter will be most beneficial? The question of stiff vs liquid starter has recently been bought up here on Yumarama and since it was discussed...
View ArticleAll Flours Are Not Equal
All Flours Are Not Equal What would happen if you ran out of bread flour but still wanted to make bread? Or the store had an awesome sale on cake flour which you were tempted to use instead? Flour is...
View ArticleDigital Scales: Which Weigh To Go?
Digital Scales: Which Weigh To Go? I’ve run into a few questions of late that involve the weighing of ingredients. Some of the writers mention that they don’t have a scale and I wanted to point them to...
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